TGN 'Redneck' Dual Stage Pre-Filter z.B. HPI Baja FGNeuartiger 2-Stufen Filter von TGN!Ideal für alle Offroad-Einsätze!! Für einen bestmöglichen SChutz sollte der innere Ring mit einem Schaumstoffilter-Öl leicht getränkt sein. Ideal um Staub, Matsch oder Sand vom eigentlichen Hauptfilter fernzuhalten...Anwendung: Wird über den normalen Luftfilter (zusätzlich!!!) gezogen.The new TGN dual stage pre filter is a must have for all serious offroaders. For best results the pre filter should be oiled down with a foam filter oil.For scooters: Fits many 3" diameter K&N style filters.For pocketbikes: Fits many 3" diameter K&N style filters.For R/C: Fits all stock filters found on the FG MT-5, HPI Baja 5b, and some on road cars. Will also fit many aftermarket filters (K&N style). This filter allows you to run the stock air filter and foam element (known to be the best option in the industry) at the same time giving you that extra protection needed when driving in dirt, mud and sand.
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TGN Pre-Filter Hat alles prima geklappt.
Hat alles prima geklappt.